Sunday, October 5, 2014

Go To Rainforest After Exam

We had an exam in 3 days and our time is shortened. Then we decided to go to the rainforest park. 

 We went to the kiddie playground, we spent our time in the kiddie playground and we had fun. While playing we were waiting for our brother who studies in PCSHS, beside the rainforest park.

We are with my cousins and aunt. At the same time I am also taking care of my little cousin. She is only 3 years old that time.
My 2 sisters and my cousin (Janel,Angel,Hannah)
My cousin(Andie)

My sister(Angel)

My 2 sisters, my 2 cousins and myself (Janel, Angel, Hannah, Andie, and Kristel)

We really love and enjoy going to rainforest park.

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