Saturday, July 20, 2013


One day, my brother has a basketball training in Rizal High School.

My father used the motorcycle of my uncle to bring my brother to his basketball training. When my brother was going off the motorcycle, accidentally he was burned by motorcycle combustion pipe (tambutso).

The wound of my brother.

My father was cleaning the wound and he said (Arrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-Ang initttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt)

After cleaning his wound he watch Pokemon in our computer.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Eating Time

One night, me and my family were at home and my mom is going somewhere with her friend.

Me and dad decided to go to Luneta Park but it is raining and we stayed at the car waiting for my mom.

My tita decided to eat in KFC.

Me and my dad bought Kimy.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Time To Sing To Jesus

Every wednesday I practice how to sing with my friends. One morning, I sang 'Panalangin ko sa Diyos'.

I perform a lot like dancing and singing because it is a concert in our church.

Me and my friends were keep on changing our clothes before we go to the stage.

I am afraid when we go to the stage, I am thinking that maybe I will make a mistake in singing and dancing.